Viarco Vintage Copying Pencils


Copying Pencils are a relict of the bureaucracy of past days. Back when offices mainly ran on paper and – yes you guessed it – pencils, people needed a way to make copies of the documents they were working on. That’s when the copying pencil entered the stage: its core is not made of graphite, but of a water-soluble ink. In the early days the ink used for copying pencils was toxic leading to strict safety rules being implemented while using these. It was recommended to use pencil caps and further recommended to not sharpen both ends in order to avoid the danger of accidentally poking the skin. When a copy was needed, you could simply transfer it by laying a wet piece of paper on top and transferring the pencil markings using a paper press.
Now with these pencils made by Portuguese pencilmaker Viarco, non toxic dye is used and hence you could even be as rebellious and have both ends sharpened. They get the job done just as they did back then (although you really need a good paper press to achieve consistent results).

These are part of Viarco’s vintage line, and hence, inspired by the original pencils and packaging of Viarco’s old stock at their archives.

Just as back then the dye used in the cores of these copying pencils has a purple-blueish color.

The Copying pencils come unsharpened.

Sold as box of 12.

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